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Min Design

Transforming spaces into bright enlivening experiences is my specialty. I create site specific designs to enrich all types of environments. Passionate about colour my aim is to create a visual experience that leaves a lasting impression.

​I bridge the gap between Muralist and Spacial-Designer. Through the use of composition, colour and architectural awareness my installations create a more cohesive use of space.


Enlivening neglected spaces

The right mural can create a more welcoming environment, reduce graffiti and feel safer to walk through. Often directional, my work is ideal for enlivening neglected paces, enhancing identity and brightening community spirit. Due to the abstract nature of my design style my paintings continue to have relevance and longevity. I create strong, cohesive imagery that stands the test of time.


Site Specific

Depending on the key objectives, my work has the scope to be playful, calming or promote more engagement and increase foot traffic. My designs are  always site specific, I offer an architectural approach, factoring in the atmospheric light, surrounding features and who uses the space.

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Colour Therapy

I have seen first hand the positive impact colour has on the emotional state. While this is known and used in branding and graphic design it is often overlooked in public art. Through the use of symbolism, striking compositions and insightful colour combinations my work effectively uplifts environments.



The best way to get in touch with me is through email, I would love to hear from you.

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